Connor's Birthday was Friday. He turned 7yrs. I can't believe it!! He has gotten so big. He is tall and thin. Built like his dad (thankfully!) He is quick as a whip but has a temper to go along with it. We took him out to dinner on Friday and then went to Good Friday service. Last night he had his party at Chuck E Cheese. He invited his whole class (21 kids!) but only 2 came. It was fun and they all had a really good time.
Easter was nice even though the weather was rainy. We went to Easter service and celebrated and then went to lunch. We had a nice dinner later of ham and all the fixings. It was really good. Thanks Mom!
Ryan is also getting big. He is trying to say so many new words and likes to copy everyone. He is very busy just like his brother. He and his brother get along pretty well for the most part. Connor has some problems sharing at times. They like to wrestle and of course they love to play with there Dad.
This is Ryan being silly. He put on his Daddy's hat. Isn't this face cute!!!Ryan is also getting big. He is trying to say so many new words and likes to copy everyone. He is very busy just like his brother. He and his brother get along pretty well for the most part. Connor has some problems sharing at times. They like to wrestle and of course they love to play with there Dad.
That is what has been going on with us lately. We are enjoying every day with our boys and watching them grow up way to fast.